jueves, 4 de abril de 2019

Improve your pronunciation :tongue twisters

Dear pupils, tongue twisters are awesome to help you pronounce more fluently.
Here you will find a fantastic video so that you can listen and read them. I've taken it again from a page called 'Engvid', and I hope it is useful to you.

Conversation skills

Dear pupils,
Here you can see some tips to improve your conversation skills.
Watch the video and find out.
I found this resource in a wonderful page called 'Engvid'

past participles kahoot

Dear pupils, this activity is a way to see if you learnt the past participles form.
Yoe probably know the popular app.''Kahoot'.

miércoles, 3 de abril de 2019

Present perfect hangman

Dear pupils,
This is a hangman to spell the past participle. I hope you enjoy it and learn!
This game is also taken from the page www,eslgamesworld.com.